You might see her on a comedy line-up around Sydney, draped in green fabric with a bandage around her head. She's the mindfulness meditation teacher, who also happens to be a tree with a head injury, you never knew you needed in your life - until you arrive in the present moment with her ;)
(Keep an eye on Fran's instagram for gig updates)

Here we are all covered in skin.
Invitations. Meditations. Reflections.
Offerings to reconnect to your self, and everything around you.

Voice and Vibration workshop with Fran
From local yoga studios to performance spaces, this workshop merges the worlds of physical performance and energetic spirituality, inviting you to tune into your embodied experience of your own vibration through playing with the power of your voice, exploring the voice as a healing tool and a way of connecting to all spaces and beings around us, and contributing to the universal vibration that we’re all part of.